Our support team excels in providing assistance for computer programming, immobilizer and security concerns, tool functionality, and beyond.

Unmatched Excellence
We go the extra mile by offering live over-the-phone and Internet-based remote support. Picture us right there with you, connected to your PC via the Internet, guiding you through any challenges. Our commitment goes beyond mere support; we empower our customers to become self-sufficient, ensuring they can efficiently care for their clients.
New Users Start Here
If you are new to AE Tools and want to start receiving professional support, please fill out our form. If you made your account with us already, feel free to sign-in below.
Using Our New Ticketing System
If you are new to our support system or need help maneuvering it, please watch to be prepared when submitting tickets and connecting with our tech team! Enjoy.
What You Get With Our Tech Support
We provide comprehensive support, including the setup of hardware and necessary training. 1,2
Our assistance extends to guiding you through the software update process and ensuring optimal tool functionality.
Additionally, we offer expertise in on-car computer programming, key programming, key cutting, and module programming.
1 Additional support packages are required for J-2534 OEM software packages.
2 Additional support packages are required for setup on personal laptops (included on AE Tools & Computers Custom Laptops).

What We Don't Support
We're committed to optimizing your shop's efficiency and meeting your customer's needs. While our support package encompasses a range of services, there are certain tasks we can't extend our time to.

Password Management
For secure password storage, we recommend Google Sheets, KeyPass, or 1Password. Safeguarding your log-ins is crucial.

Diagnostic Services
As each situation is unique, we don't provide direct diagnoses. We encourage resolving issues beforehand and suggest diagnostic services from platforms like iATN and Identifix.

Manufacturer & Tuning Software
Unfortunately, we don't offer Free Manufacturer software or support non-OEM software such as HP Tuner, MaxxECU, and others.

Internet Troubleshooting
We cannot configure your Wi-Fi router or change your router settings. If your internet is slow or blocking pages, we recommend getting with your IT Team.

Electrocuted / Flooded Vehicles
Unfortunately, we do not provide support for vehicles that have been lightning-struck, flooded, destroyed in an accident, or bench programming.
FAQs About Support
We provide support on a lot of makes and models, although, we cannot assist with flooded or electrocuted vehicles. We also do not support bench programming. We do support older vehicles, but we allot only a certain time to program them, any time after the decided time frame will result in an additional payment.
Yes, we provide a Tool Support Package that will allow for your tools to get support from us.
We provide additional packages for speedier responses. Our APEX package allows you to receive support for one Technician per year with immediate calls under 30 minutes. We also provide APEX Tokens that are single use and one time payment if you need it.
We work on calls according to when they are placed in our ticket system. Call times start at 10 minutes from when you place a ticket. Our call center receives waves of calls at times which can increase wait times. Please be patient as we work our way through them.
You can place or request a time frame you would like to receive support in your ticket. A tech support agent will call you at your desired time.
No. We do not sell any OEM or Aftermarket parts for vehicles.
In short, we do communicate with Automotive manufacturers, software developers, and other affiliate partners. We do not always have direct contact with them, so we may experience wait times as well. Our purpose is to be a liaison for you and the manufacturer.
Yes, we do provide codes for security, immobilizer, or key codes. If you need to program any security module or cut keys, we are now apart of the NASTF AIR Program, which allows us to provide codes for keys and security module. Ask our support team for more information.
We do not certify individuals, but we do provide assistance for the application process. Ensuring you get all the information correct for your NASTF account.